“Two Dads are Better Than One”: pro-gay adoption ABC profile of convicted pedophile

Earlier, I blogged about how Mark Newton had been convicted for pedophilia and received a 40-year prison sentence. This was reported earlier by the Sydney Morning Herald. Since then, I was notified about a pro-gay-adoption article from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, in which the pedophile and his partner were profiled. The article has been pulled … Continue reading “Two Dads are Better Than One”: pro-gay adoption ABC profile of convicted pedophile

Syrian refugee promoted by BBC journalists convicted of raping child

If I asked you to name two dominant characteristics of secular leftists today, what would you say? I would say their morality is “don’t judge” and they don’t like to be held accountable for their poor choices. Usually, the decisions of these secular leftists only costs them in their personal lives. But sometimes, innocent bystanders … Continue reading Syrian refugee promoted by BBC journalists convicted of raping child

Boy Scouts to end ban on openly gay men being troop leaders

This is from Matt Barber writing for The Stream. Excerpt: On Thursday BSA President Robert Gates announced that the BSA will soon invite men who have sex with males (MSM) to become troop leaders. “The status quo in our movement’s membership standards cannot be sustained,” Gates disingenuously claimed, indicating that to maintain the BSA’s century-old … Continue reading Boy Scouts to end ban on openly gay men being troop leaders