Democrats attacking campaign offices with guns and explosives

Democrat bomb-thrower Chris Powers
Democrat bomb-thrower Chris Powers

(Chris Powers is the one wearing a cap)

First, the Molotov cocktails, thrown by Democrat operative, staffer, and blogger Chris Powers.

Gateway Pundit has the story with links to the mainstream news sources.


Last Tuesday August 17, 2010, Rep. Russ Carnahan’s office was reportedly vandalized and “firebombed” at 2 AM in the morning. Hours later police arrested a suspect for the crime and held him for several hours.

Of course, when the “firebombing” was reported local leftists blamed the tea party activists.

Then things got really weird. The police released the suspect and the Carnahan camp went silent. Carnahan employees were seen dumping documents into a dumpster but refused to to talk to reporters. There was a complete blackout on information.

Now we know why.

The suspect was reportedly a disgruntled progressive activist employed by Russ Carnahan. An unnamed source familiar with the case released the information.

[…]Dem operative and firebomber Chris Powers is the sweaty one pictured here on right during a rally for nationalized health care. Powers was a paid canvasser for Russ Carnahan.

[…]The Carnahan campaign and their supporters have either ignored the incident rather than recognize the serious nature of a federal crime, instead allow the incident to be reported and used as an example of right wing domestic terrorism.

[…]Chris Powers was in the local news when Barack Obama came to town in March to push his unpopular nationalized health care plan. He spoke with the local public radio channel and led an astroturfed protest outside of the Obama-McCaskill fundraiser.

Chris Powers is also a TPM blogger under the name Ripper McCord.

He has been active in the progressive movement for years.

TPM is short for Talking Points Memo, which is one of the top liberal blogs.  Here’s his page on TPM. It will be taken down soon, I would expect. I notice that he describes his politics as “enlightened self-interest”, which is a phrase from the anti-Christian secular humanist movement.

In another post, Gateway Pundit notes that the bomb-thrower “also has a history of harassing tea party patriots”. No motive for the attack has been confirmed, because the Democrats are using the reports to smear the tea party, like they usually do. The report we have says that he was angry about not being paid some money he was owed.

Shooting at GOP offices

From there, we turn to Maryland, where Republican offices are being shot up. (H/T JammieWearingFool)


A gunshot shattered a glass door Wednesday at a Salisbury office of the Maryland Republican Party, according to a party statement.

The party published the statement on its website, indicating that a single gunshot shattered the front door at the office early in the morning.

Salisbury police officers discovered the shattered glass after midnight and reported that the office had been vandalized.

The statement indicated that a party staffer found a bullet in the office.

JammieWearingFool explains why this is happening:

I blame the extremist rhetoric of the left-wing media and Democrats for spreading the hate. They keep stirring the pot with their extremist rhetoric and it’s only a matter of time before one of their deranged followers takes matters into their own hands.

But the nutters on PBS, NPR, MSNBC, CNN, etc. are never going to be charged with inciting violence, because they’re running the show now. Only conservatives will be charged. Like the fire-bombing story shows, conservatives will be smeared with crimes committed by Democrats. The real story gets out in much later on blogs.

Here’s my take.

They have the House, the Senate and the Presidency, but the country is angry with their failures. I think there is a lot of frustration on the left that everyone is seeing how good their economic, social and foreign policy really is. Nothing they propose actually works. Their policies are not about making the world better, they’re about striking a pose in front of others so they feel good about themselves. They want to appear compassionate, but the results for ordinary families are disastrous. And that’s when they turn to violence, I think.

UPDATE: Newsmax reports that conservative organizations are receiving large numbers of death threats. (H/T Gateway Pundit)

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