UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown excoriated over massive debt

Spotted this awesome video over at The Anchoress. This is a MUST-SEE video. If only someone had the courage to take on President Teleprompter and the economic-illiterates who voted for him, like this British MP takes on Gordon Brown.

The Anchoress has a bunch of great links there, as well.

Excerpt from her post:

Here in the United States, land of the First Amendment and free speech, it is right now unthinkable that anyone would stand up in a political chamber and speak so forthrightly.

I mean…can you imagine someone in our Congress or Senate actually standing up with a chart like this, and daring to talk to Obama about his “inherited” debt?

Michele Bachmann could do it. Also, here’s the chart that she mentions from Ace of Spades: (watch out for vulgar language!)

Obama's projected deficits
Obama's projected deficits

Gateway Pundit has more here:

President Obama expects the deficit level to be 12% of GDP this year.

America is actually in worse shape than Great Britain.
According to Heritage, Obama has already helped quadruple the deficit with his stimulus package.

Hot Air has links to the MP’s youtube page and blog. Apparently this is normal for him, although Hot Air says he isn’t a solid conservative.

Here’s his YouTube page, chock full of more in this vein, and here’s his blog, in which he marvels at the ability of the ‘Net to turn a backbench parliamentarian into an international fiscal conservative hero overnight. Exit question: We’re all agreed that Hannan gets to deliver the GOP’s response to next year’s State of the Union, yes?

Some people who voted for Obama told me during the election that Obama would be much more fiscally responsible than Bush and Reagan, because Republicans are all big spenders. They couldn’t stand the 550 billion we spent securing our liberty in two wars against radical terrorism. Obama is going to run the national debt up to over 20 trillion by 2019. Which amount is greater?

I asked 2 of my Obama-voting friends today how much the 2 wars cost, and neither of them knew. They did not even believe me when I showed them the actual numbers. What do they do in the evenings? Why, they watch Family Guy, Rachel Maddow and sports. One of these people actually told me that Rachel Maddow was a centrist. The other one is the more ignorant of the two.

Lastly, two of my fundamentalist Christian friends told me that Obama was more pro-life than McCain. Yes, they really said that! If you have a story about someone who voted for Obama who ought to have known better, please put it in the comments!

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