First report on Meyer-Shermer-Sternberg-Prothero debate

UPDATE: The audio is here.

The 4-man debate took place last night in Beverly Hills.

The first after-action report from Evolution News.


It was all shaping up to be a serious heavyweight bout. And then Meyer and Sternberg simply KO’d the competition in the opening round. If I were being generous I might say that Prothero tripped over his own arrogance and impaled himself on his condescension, but let’s be honest; he was completely knocked out by Sternberg. I think Sternberg earned a third degree tonight, one in evolutionary bulldozing.

The debate video will be made available at some point by American Freedom Alliance, the sponsors of the debate, along with Center for Inquiry, The Skeptics Society and Discovery Institute.

[…]To call the debate a massacre would be a discredit to Sitting Bull. The only thing I can say is that Shermer needs to add a point to his booklet on how to debate “creationists” — namely, leave Donald Prothero at home in his van by the river.

Read the whole thing. I’ll post a link to the debate when I get it.

Note, I’ve never heard Rob Crowther sound this harsh before. It really must have been a blowout.

3 thoughts on “First report on Meyer-Shermer-Sternberg-Prothero debate”

  1. I’ve just finished listening to the debate for the first time, and I agree, it was a massacre, with Meyer/Sternberg winning by a wide margin.


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