The Wintery Knight’s favorite apologetics lectures

These are the lectures that made me who I am today. Each of these is awesome. If you only have time for two, listen to Dr. Bradley’s Journey to Faith and Giants in the Land.

Dr. Walter L. Bradley

Ph.D. in Materials Science, University of Texas at Austin, 1968
B.S. in Engineering Science, University of Texas at Austin, 1965

Dr. J.P. Moreland

B.S. in Chemistry, University of Missouri
M.A. in Philosophy, University of California Riverside
Th.M. in Theology, Dallas Theological Seminary
Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Southern California

Dr. Philip E. Johnson

A.B., Harvard University, 1961
J.D., University of Chicago, 1965

Dr. Douglas Geivett

Ph.D., University of Southern California
M.A., Dallas Theological Seminary
M.A., Gonzaga University
B.S., Multnomah School of the Bible

Dr. William Lane Craig

D.Theol., University of Munich
Ph.D., University of Birmingham (UK)
M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
B.A., Wheaton College

One thought on “The Wintery Knight’s favorite apologetics lectures”

  1. I agree that regarding apologetics per se, Walter Bradley’s lectures have been indeed inspiring, as have been William Lane Craig’s as well. But for apologetic arguments to be effective, at least within the science committed community, Darwinian arguments need to be critically evaluated.

    Many argue that this has been done by science over the ensuing period of ~ 150 years, but has it? Phillip Johnson argues that it has not, but rather has been vigilantly defended, unified and reinforced by alleged unifications with biology, paleontology, genetics, and with alleged parallel verifications with observable phenomena.

    Unification or extrapolation, that is the question, and Johnson addresses that question fairly well in these brief dissertations on a subject of such extreme complexity and with such varied and multifaceted aspects to consider. The current theory of evolution is widely claimed to be as well established and ‘proven’ as the theory of gravity, which is like comparing a transistor to a quad-core microprocessor. One process or many? And a single cause, or multiple causalities? Obviously the latter.

    In the three Johnson lectures linked, all three cover the same basics, but with varied ‘Johnsonesque’ nuances of analogy and illustration, and enough so that listening again to all three held my attention. Gripping presentations that in one case, #2 I believe, a shouting listener was ushered from the audience.

    Which itself highlights the magnitude of the controversey in todays somewhat pseudo-enlightened society. In short, apologetics has lost some of its efficacy, at least until barriers that ‘smack’ of science, but fail the tests of ‘true’ rational thought are properly assessed.


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