Catholic school being pressured by government to teach that all religions are equal

Christian Post reports on a story out of Quebec, the most liberal province in Canada. (H/T Reasonable Faith)


The Canadian Supreme Court is set to decide whether teachers at private religious schools in the province of Quebec will be allowed to share their faith with students, in a case concerning a Catholic high school that is being forced to teach students in an ethics and religious course that all religions are the same.

“It is the same thought process that has been the genesis for prohibitions on blasphemy in other jurisdictions. The whole idea behind blasphemy laws in some parts of the world is that you don’t want to offend different religions, and so what they (the Quebec government) do is argue that they promote tolerance and understanding, but rather they want to control what is said,” Gerald Chipeur, Q.C., of the Canadian firm Miller Thompson LLP, told The Christian Post in a phone interview on Wednesday.

Chipeur is one of 2,300 attorneys allied with Alliance Defending Freedom, a nonprofit legal organization that filed a brief on Monday with the Canadian Supreme Court in defense of Loyola High School, the Jesuit Roman Catholic school in question.

The Catholic high school has argued that it does not object to teaching the 2008 government-mandated ethics and religion course, which is required to be taught in all private and public schools, but asked to be allowed to teach the course in good conscience. The problem they found with the course was that it insisted that all religions, including Wicca and pagan rites, are equally valid. The government has also prohibited teachers from expressing preference for any one faith.

That’s why Christians need to take an interest in politics, and push for the policies that work for Christian families. I know several excellent Christian parents who do send their kids to public schools, and you never know when that might be your only option financially. It doesn’t make sense to think that things will always be as good as they are now for Christians. You need to understand that there are groups out there who are not happy with the things we tell our kids, not happy with the way we spend family money, not happy with the fact that married families do better than single mothers. They have their own agenda, and we should have one of our own, too.

5 thoughts on “Catholic school being pressured by government to teach that all religions are equal”

  1. All religions are the same…except when it comes to the nature of God, man, creation, sin, salvation, and judgment. Aside from that, they’re pretty much the same.


    1. I believe they mean to say something to the effect of “all religions are the same – equally subjective, humanistic ethics systems, which are there to make you feel better and not eat your neighbor”.

      Of course, their universal falsity is something which is implied. But we don’t want to make that too explicit, lest someone accuse us of favoring a worldview revolving around a nebulous secular humanism.


      1. Of course, calling them “subjective” begs the question of which elements? And while some, well most, seem to focus on definite humanistic ethics, there are some that do not. And to call them universally false would be a claim that needs to be clarified: what exactly is false? Their cosmology, their morality, their perspective of reality, and why? But you do make a good point about wanting it all to revolve in a nebulous, even subjective, aspect of humanism.


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