Theistic evolutionists and the two-platoon strategy

What should we make of theistic evolutionists telling us that you can believe in God, while still knowing that matter, law and chance explain the full development of all of life?

Consider this quotation from Phillip E. Johnson.


The National Academy’s way of dealing with the religious implications of evolution is akin to the two-platoon system in American football. When the leading figures of evolutionary science feel free to say what they really believe, writers such as Edward O. Wilson, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Carl Sagan, Steven Pinker, Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Lewontin and others state the “God is dead” thesis aggressively, invoking the authority of science to silence any theistic protest. That is the offensive platoon, and the National Academy never raises any objection to its promoting this worldview.

At other times, however, the scientific elite has to protect the teaching of the “fact of evolution” from objections by religious conservatives who know what the offensive platoon is saying and who argue that the science educators are insinuating a worldview that goes far beyond the data. When the objectors are too numerous or influential to be ignored, the defensive platoon takes the field. That is when we read those spin-doctored reassurances saying that many scientists are religious (in some sense), that science does not claim to have proved that God does not exist (but merely that he does not affect the natural world), and that science and religion are separate realms which should never be mixed (unless it is the materialists who are doing the mixing). Once the defensive platoon has done its job it leaves the field, and the offensive platoon goes right back to telling the public that science has shown that “God” is permanently out of business. (The Wedge of Truth, IVP 2000, pp. 88-89).

So what naturalistic scientists believe is that God didn’t do anything to create the diversity of life – that nature does all of its own creating. In fact, it doesn’t matter if the best naturalistic explanation is improbable or implausible – scientists must bitterly cling to materialistic explanations of natural phenomena.

The problem for these scientists is that they are taxpayer-funded, and religious people don’t like paying to have scientists shoehorn reality into a pre-supposed naturalistic framework. Sometimes, religious people get annoyed about being told that sparking gases can create functional proteins. And sometimes, religious people get annoyed about being told that the universe oscillates eternally despite observations that falsify that speculative theory. And sometimes, religious people get annoyed about being told that there are as yet undiscovered fossilized precusors to the Cambrian era fossils.

Naturalists think that opposition to these lame naturalistic theories only ever be religiously-motivated. They cannot accept that people might question their naturalistic just-so stories on scientific grounds. So what do the naturalists do when faced with scientifically-motivated dissent that they think is religiously motivated? Well, they trot out “religious” scientists. These “religious” scientists claim to have a deep personal faith in God, and a belief in miracles. But these religious scientists believe that what actually happened is that law, matter and chance did all the creating of life. This is the “second platoon”. They are sent out to mislead the public by talking about their personal faith, and what God could and couldn’t do, and how evolutionists can believe in God without any evidence of intelligent causes in the history of life. The one question they most want to avoid is whether science, done in the ordinary naturalistic way, can discover evidence of intelligent agency in the history of the development of life.

Now, take a look at this article by Jay Richards. He cites some theistic evolutionists.


Biologist Ken Miller:

For his part, [Ken] Miller, a biologist, has no qualms about telling us what God would do: “And in Catholicism, he said, God wouldn’t micromanage that way. ‘Surely he can set things up without having to violate his own laws.'”

I am unaware of any tenet of Catholic theology that requires God not to micromanage. It is, however, a tenet of deism.

Got that? What really happened is that God didn’t do anything. How does he know that? From the science? No. Because he assumes naturalism. Oh, it’s true that he says that God is lurking somewhere behind the material processes that created life. But God’s agency is undetectable by the methods of science. And he is hoping that you will accept his subjective pious God-talk as proof that a fundamentally atheistic reality is somehow reconcilable with a robust conception of theism.

More from Richards:

Then we get Stephen Barr offering his private definition of “chance.”

It is possible to believe simultaneously in a world that is shaped by chance and one following a divine plan. “God is in charge and there’s a lot of accident,” said Barr, also a Catholic. “It’s all part of a plan. . . . God may have known where every molecule was going to move.”

What does Barr really believe? He believes that what science shows is that nature created life without any interference by an intelligent agent. Barr then offers believers his subjective pious God-talk to reassure them that evolution is compatible with religion. He has a personal belief – NOT BASED ON SCIENCE – that the material processes that created all of life are “all part of a plan”. He cannot demonstrate that from science – it’s his faith commitment. And more speculations: “God may have known…”. He can’t demonstrate that God did know anything from science. He is just offering a personal opinion about what God “could have” done. The purpose of these subjective opinions is to appease those who ask questions about what natural mechanisms can really create. Can natural causes really account for the development of functional proteins? Never mind that – look at my shiny spiritual-sounding testimony!

That’s theistic evolution. What really happened is that no intelligent causes are needed to explain life. What they say is “God could” and “God might” and “I believe” and “I attend this church” and “I received a Christian award” and “I believe in miracles too”. None of these religious opinions and speculations are scientifically knowable – they are just opinions, speculations and biographical trivia. Atheists and theistic evolutions agree on what science shows about the diversity of life – intelligent causes didn’t do anything.

The quickest way to disarm a theistic evolutionist is to refuse to talk about religion or God, and to ask them to show you the naturalistic explanation of the Big Bang. And the naturalistic explanation of the fine-tuning. And the naturalistic explanation of the origin of life. And the naturalistic explanation of the Cambrian explosion. And so on. Focus on the science – don’t let them turn the conversation to their personal beliefs, or to the Bible, or to religion, or to philosophy. Ask them what they can show in the lab. If naturalistic mechanisms can do all the creating they say it can do, let’s see the demonstration in the lab.

11 thoughts on “Theistic evolutionists and the two-platoon strategy”

  1. I suggest you should allow for some distinction between theistic and deistic evolutionists. Ken Miller falls into the latter category, but if you read Pope Benedict’s homilies on Creation, you find that he is quite adament that the watchmaker is not blind.


  2. So either God created life or God does nothing? Why are those my only two options? Why can’t I believe that natural processes created life but that God raised Jesus from the dead? There’s not explicit contradiction there that I can see.

    The probability of a life-loving creator God is easily handled by Kalam, contingency and fine-tuning (something that many theistic evolutionists like Collins and Kiberson take seriously). Believing that would make me an evolutionist and a theist who believes that God acting in reality is knowledge.


    1. “Why can’t I believe that natural processes created life but that God raised Jesus from the dead?”

      Right. That’s your belief. It has nothing to do with science. I only care what the science says – what scientists can prove in the lab about what naturalistic mechanisms can really do.

      You can believe anything you want. The point of my post is that when it comes to how the diversity of life God here, you agree with the atheists. God didn’t do anything that science can detect. That’s your view ABOUT THE OBJECTIVE WORLD. And then you sort of throw God in as an unnecessary rider on that with your statement ABOUT YOUR SUBJECTIVE BELIEFS. But what I am concerned about is what is true OUT THERE, not your personal preferences INSIDE OF YOU.

      Here’s more:


      1. “God didn’t do anything that science can detect.”
        Fine-tuning is scientific evidence of God acting in the world (or at least universe) that I mentioned in my comment.

        When I said “why can’t I believe…” I meant why is it irrational to believe both. You’re right, people have the capability to convince themselves of anything regardless of the evidence. You seem to believe, however, that unless you believe the only explanation for life is supernatural you must be forming religious beliefs irrationally. I do not think this is so.

        My question was about why you seem to think that the discussion has to only be about the origin of life when there’s other, much more substantial evidence from science for God. Also, objective knowledge can come from outside of science (you seem to think, as I do, that moral knowledge must come from outside of science). I can have objective knowledge about God from both science and metaphysical necessity. None of those have anything to do with natural history regarding the origin of life on earth.


        1. I hear you. If naturalistic mechanisms can account for DNA and the Cambrian explosion, then lets see the evidence, and stop talking about faith, the Bible and religion.


          1. I agree with you in that I wish these guys would get to the evidence. While I enjoyed Collin’s original book as devotional literature and a basic explanation of evolution it did not really present any reasons for faith (as the subtitle said it did). I think partly because of the provisional nature of scientific truth these guys are hesitant to rest their faith on a concept that can be overturned tomorrow then brought back.


          2. Thanks, Matt. I think that if science is being used to bash Christianity, then we have to do what Augustine says. And we have to use the evidence that we have today that is proven, not speculations about future findings that will vindicate multiverses, aliens, quantum gravity vacuums, etc. If we have the science, and they have the speculations, then we need to become experts at getting scientific degrees and using the clues that God has left in nature. Those are our miracles – the signs of intelligence we discover by doing science and find out what natural causes can and cannot do.

            “We must show our Scriptures not to be in conflict with whatever [our critics] can demonstrate about the nature of things from reliable sources.”

            Augustine De genesi ad litteram 1.21. Cited in Ernan McMullin, “How Should Cosmology Relate to Theology?” in The Science and Theology in the Twentieth Century, ed. Arthur R. Peacocke (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1981), 20.

            Found in:


  3. Inasmuch as nature qua reality is not a closed system, and as natural law as we know it is descriptive rather than prescriptive, it does nothing to defer or preclude God’s acting in the world on account of an evolutionary description of human origins, for instance. In the same way it does not give us reason to be dissuaded from theistic belief on account of a proper physical description of a baseball’s trajectory in the presence of a gravitational field. If the one doesn’t throw us off of theism, why should the other?

    If God is only imminent in the historical development of humans and not in the trajectory of a baseball how should we say that he is maximally provident and hence a perfect being?

    There are un-closable/unfathomable gaps or true mysteries present in all things, not just in human biology; and all of these require God-explanations at some level.

    (I like to be the DA evey once in a while)


  4. Your assumption is that God is an un-necessary rider based on subjective desire to believe. Why do you insist on the unproven assertion that in order for God to have raised Jesus from the dead, science must be able to detect God operating in nature? I have to side with Matt on this one and wonder why you equate what CHristians understand as the inner witness of the Holy Spirit, with mere subjective feelings? God’s non-detectability in nature may do some damage to an evidentialist approach, but you yourself, if I recall, have agreed with Craig when he denies being an evidentialist. ID does not have to be viable, in order for God to exist. You’ve painted yourself into an evidentialist corner. Come out and play.


  5. Rumpole…
    I do not see a corner here at all and I am happy to play: The question at hand is, “based on what we know, what is the best explanation for the origin of life?”
    Well, we know that even the simplest life requires the most complex prescriptive information known. We know a lot about what natural processes are capable of. We know that there is no naturalistic explanation for the existence of prescriptive information. We know that in every single case where prescriptive information is present and the cause is known, that cause is intelligent agency.
    I could go on, but in a nutshell, that is the science and it points very clearly to intelligent agency as the the only possible cause of even the simplest life. So my question, much like the question that I believe WK poses is: Why do theistic evolutionists speculate about their personal beliefs about what God would or would not do, instead of dealing honestly with the large and growing body of evidence at hand?


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