Coward A.C. Grayling and chicken Dawkins flee debate with William Lane Craig

Sing with me:

Brave Sir Grayling ran away
Bravely, ran away…away…
When danger reared its ugly head
He bravely turned his tail and fled
Yes, brave Sir Grayling turned about
And gallantly he chickened out
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat
Bravest of the brave, Sir Grayling

He is packing it in and packing it up
And sneaking away and buggering off
And chickening out and pissing off home,
Yes, bravely he is throwing in the sponge.

From’s web site.


For years, ‘New Atheist’ Professors Anthony Grayling and Richard Dawkins have made money and gained publicity out of God.  But now, the courage of their convictions seems to be running dry: they have both refused to debate one of the world’s leading defenders of the Christian Faith, Professor William Lane Craig.

While Professor Dawkins has set himself up as the ‘scourge’ of the Church, Professor Grayling has offered his latest attack on Christianity by publishing The Good Book – a secular bible in the year the Church celebrates the 400th anniversary of the translation of the King James Bible.

While Dawkins and Grayling have refused to debate the existence of God, Grayling has also refused to debate the foundations of the morality on which his ‘Good Book’ rests. These point-blank refusals to engage in public discussions with Professor Craig will undermine their credibility, not only among Christians but also amongst fellow academics.

Professor Craig, Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, California, is arguably the world’s foremost defender of historic Christianity. He has debated with many top academics and leading atheists across the world, including Peter Atkins, Daniel Dennett, Anthony Flew, Christopher Hitchens, Lewis Wolpert and, most recently, Sam Harris.

Craig visited the UK in 2007 and received national media coverage for his debate at Westminster Central Hall with Professor Lewis Wolpert, chaired by Radio 4’s Today presenter, John Humphrys. This debate has now been seen by thousands of people on YouTube. Professor Craig, who has two Ph.Ds, has written over thirty books and published some 200 academic papers. He is returning to the UK from 17-26 October in a tour sponsored by the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship, Damaris Trust and Premier Christian Radio.

Having been invited to debate Craig, Professor Grayling replied:

I am not interested in debating Professor Craig, though if he would like to co-opt me for the publicity for his tour – I would be happy to debate him on the question of the existence of fairies and water-nymphs. But as for the very uninteresting matter of whether there is just one god or goddess and that it can be debated despite the claim that it is transcendently ineffable and unknowablethat is an empty prospect, hence my declining the invitation.”

Justin Brierley, who presents Premier Radio’s highly-rated discussion programme, Unbelievable?, comments:

“It looks insulting and worryingly narrow minded when an invitation to defend such views against a top-flight Christian academic such as Dr. Craig is dismissed in these terms. Grayling is seen as a key proponent of rationalism and atheism in the UK. It will therefore come as a surprise to many that he is so unwilling to defend the rational grounds for atheism against a major opponent.”

Brian Auten of Apologetics 315 tweeted this, earlier:

If you would like the see how well atheists do in debates with Craig, you can watch this:

William Lane Craig vs. Christopher Hitchens:

No wonder Grayling and Dawkins are soiling their knickers at the thought of facing him. It’s easy to impress your students when you are grading their papers AFTER they’ve paid their tuition. But a formal debate in a neutral venue would not be safe.

Previous story on Dawkins’ refusal to debate is here.

Craig’s UK tour schedule is here.

8 thoughts on “Coward A.C. Grayling and chicken Dawkins flee debate with William Lane Craig”

  1. I love that when William Lane Craig goes to Oxford in the fall, his public lecture will be a critique of The God Delusion, right on Dawkins’s home turf. Even without the debate it’s awesome how WLC is talking it straight to Dawkins. I would love it if he left an empty chair on the stage near where he speaks, and then before the proceedings begin say that he’d welcome Dawkins to engage with him on stage if he’d like.


    1. I’m totally, embarrassingly behind the times. They were already going to do exactly what I mentioned, except even better, with a table and a chair.

      Listen to the end of


      1. LOL, are you sure it was an “email exchange”? The Biola apologetics store has on its list a debate between Craig and Grayling titled:

        “Belief in God Makes Sense in Light of Tsunamis” (CD) $15.00

        There description of the debate reads:

        “Founded in 1823, the Oxford Union is the most prestigious debating society in the world, within whose walls British prime ministers and heads of the state have argued their views. On the evening of April 28, 2005, the Union sponsored this unusual debate between the American Christian philosopher William Lane Craig and Oxford University’s own A.C. Grayling, a distinguished philosopher and man of letters famous in Great Britain for his vociferous secularism. Decide for yourself whether belief in God can be rationally maintained in the face of terrible suffering.”

        It would be very bizarre if the Oxford Union (of all places) sponsored a email written exchange. Then there’s the fact that this debate was put on 2 CDs. If it was just a written email exchange, I can’t see how it would take up that much space.


  2. Although, after reading the title again I did notice that it lacked the “CD recording” statement found in other audio debates. It just says “CD” Other than that though, it’s hard to see how this product could be just an email exchange. Biola would be milking that just a little too much lol.


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