Pro-life doctors banned from presenting scientific evidence at MWIA conference

From the Daily Caller. (H/T Mary)


A group of pro-life OB/GYN doctors was unceremoniously banned at the last minute from presenting a panel on abortion at an international conference for women in medicine  in South Korea last week.

Dr. Mary Davenport, one of the three pro-life doctors scheduled to speak, told The Daily Caller she was shocked because the group’s presentations detailing the risks of abortion were “straight academic talks.”

“It wasn’t any kind of advocacy position about what any nation’s abortion laws should be or anything like that,” said Davenport. “But we find this all over — that due to political correctness there’s some things you can’t say.”

Davenport and her two colleagues from the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) learned of the cancellation the night before the presentation was supposed to take place.

As to why the group was invited only to have its event cancelled, Davenport said “it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.” She theorized there was a split between the conference’s organizers, the Medical Women’s International Association (MWIA), and its Korean hosts.

“The Korean people wanted to hear what we had to say,” Davenport said. “But I guess they were overruled by the leadership of this particular organization.”

Life News had more about another attempt by the MWIA organizers to shut the scientists down.


MWIA’s press release emphasizes that the presentations were censored because their conclusions were politically incorrect. The title of the press release is “MWIA is proud to stand for women’s rights.” It “regrets” that MWIA invited presenters “who would deny women their basic right to choice.” For good measure, it throws in some slander, stating that the speakers’ presentations– which were to summarize recent studies from such esteemed journals as the Journal of Reproductive Medicine, BJOG, PLoS ONE, and numerous others– have “no scientific merit.”

The real motivation is clear: these speakers were censored for daring to share data that might show that abortion has downsides for women.

What’s worse, MWIA leaders actively prevented people who wanted to learn more about the topic on their own time from doing so!

With the cancellation of our talks, our host Anna Choi, head of group of 680 Korean obgyn physicians who stopped doing abortions, had decided to set up a radio and newspaper interview for us during the time that we were supposed to present.

When we got to the “radio” interview that Anna had set up, it was actually a television interview, and the newspaper reporter was there also.

They put the three of us up front like a “panel” discussion, and the reporters started asking us questions about our presentation, allowing us an opportunity to talk about what we came to present. About 20 minutes into the interview, the Secretary General of MWIA, a Canadian woman, burst into the room (I kid you not. …and all of this is on camera), and came up to the table and said “What presentation is this? Donna Harrison said “it’s not a presentation”. So she snarled “Why are you being interviewed? At that point, the answers were left to Anna, our host. Anna said that this was a requested interview by the press.

The SecGen then said “Who gave you permission to interview these people?” And the reporters said “We are the press, we don’t need anyone’s permission. We have freedom of the press” And the Sec Gen snarled at Anna and said “Did you arrange this? Did you talk to the organizing committee?” And Anna said “I am on the organizing committee. I don’t need to talk to anyone.” And the Sec Gen stood in front of the camera, and refused to move, and said “The interview is over.” Then the reporters said “You can’t do this. We have the freedom of the press. You are interfering with the freedom of the press.” But the Sec Gen would not move and said “The interview is over.”

We exited to the hall, and a Belgian and German woman were waiting. They started to make fun of the Korean translator, and to snap pictures in her face. And she said “You can’t do this. This is my country. I will call the police.” And they actually grabbed at her, and then one of the Korean reporters put a huge camera in the Belgian woman’s face and started taking photos of her. A fist fight almost ensured between the women, but another of the Koreans stepped in and kept any contact from happening. And all of this was on camera. And then our Korean hosts ushered us down the hall, and down the elevator, along with the reporters and camera crew, and we resumed the interview in the commons area downstairs by the trash cans and the bathroom. We were able to complete the entire interview, and instead of our audience being a few women doctors from the conference, we now have an audience of probably a few thousand.

Wow. This is probably why pro-choice people oppose those laws that require that a woman have an ultrasound before having an abortion. If they actually know what they are aborting, then maybe they wouldn’t do it. The pro-choicers don’t want them to know the facts. Not from peer-reviewed journals, and not from ultrasounds.

7 thoughts on “Pro-life doctors banned from presenting scientific evidence at MWIA conference”

  1. WK, along with all your other articles which note the tightening noose around the necks of conservatives, particularly Christian Conservatives, (I was particularly dismayed over reading Mark Steyn’s article about Nidal Hasan, Know Thine Enemy),

    What are the preferred options that you promote over these two:

    (1) Physical conflict preceded by respectful escalating polemics which lead to nowhere.

    (2) Going silently into the night.


    1. We are a long long way from 1). The alternative I favor is to get serious in the churches about learning how to out-think our secular, leftist opponents. Let’s try that first. We haven’t even tried that and there is still plenty of time.


  2. My wife had a second ultrasound this morning. Her first, 2 weeks ago, showed Marvin (not actual name, more of a joke between us) as quite small for 6 weeks. Now he/she is a bit above normal size, and we got to hear the heart beat again. Was amazing. Absolutely amazing.

    Sorry, I meant the non-human clump of cells with its non-human heart beat. It was double plus good.


  3. Oh, my, maybe it’s not very Christian of me, but I loved the way the pro-aborts got their come-uppance from the Koreans!
    And that the pro-life doctors ended up reaching a much wider audience.
    No, I don’t advocate physical conflict, but bear in mind it was the pro-aborts who tried to “get physical”. A former pastor of mine used to say that using manipulation, intimidation and domination – a bullying, controlling spirit – is Satanic and ungodly. They manifested their true nature.
    As Christians, we should expose the works of darkness, and killing unborn babies and all that is wrong about it needs to be exposed. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” (Edmund Burke).
    We should also not forget the spiritual side, involving prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit to move in people’s lives.


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