New study: marriage drops probability of child poverty by 82%

From the Heritage Foundation.

Excerpt: (links removed)

The collapse of marriage, along with a dramatic rise in births to single women, is the most important cause of childhood poverty—but government policy doesn’t reflect that reality, according to a special report released today by The Heritage Foundation.

Nearly three out of four poor families with children in America are headed by single parents. When a child’s father is married to his mother, however, the probability of the child’s living in poverty drops by 82 percent.

Robert Rector, Heritage’s senior research fellow in domestic policy, provides a brief overview of each state with unique data and 14 charts per state, while also updating his years of related research in the special report titled “Marriage: America’s Greatest Weapon Against Child Poverty.” Heritage’s study, including a national charts slideshow, arrives a week before the Census Bureau’s annual report on poverty, which is expected to show another increase.

“Policymakers on the state and national levels recognize that education reduces poverty, but they’re largely unaware that marriage is an equally strong anti-poverty weapon,” says Rector, a nationally recognized authority on the U.S. welfare system.

In Florida, for example, white families headed by single parents are five times more likely to be poor than those headed by married couples. In Illinois, the poverty rate for a single mother with only a high school diploma is 39.5 percent, compared with 8 percent for a married couple with the same education.

The rate of births to unmarried women—now four out of every 10 babies overall, five out of 10 for Hispanics, and seven out of 10 for blacks—has soared since the mid-1960s, when President Lyndon Johnson launched the War on Poverty. Births outside marriage are mostly to less-educated women—sadly, those with the least ability to support children.

While more Americans grow dependent on welfare, government fails to communicate the benefits of marriage even as it warns young people not to smoke, do drugs, have “unsafe” sex, or drop out of school. Rector calls this “tragic.”

If we  as a society were really serious about solving poverty, we would stop focusing on redistributing wealth and employing unionized drones, and start focusing on promoting marriage. But that’s not politically correct, since feminists don’t like marriage. And that’s why it doesn’t happen. If women have to work to be like men, then they need free contraceptives and abortion, and they have to be taught to have sex early, so that they don’t aspire to marriage and parenting. So what if this causes a lot of premarital sex and the occasional baby? Children don’t matter – feminism matters.

4 thoughts on “New study: marriage drops probability of child poverty by 82%”

  1. Exactly. I wonder how liberated a woman feels who has three kids by two dads, works two jobs, barely sees her kids while the sun is up, and still can’t make ends meet. Very liberating, I’m sure. Feminism and counter-culture beliefs have destroyed so much.


  2. I think if we get back to the originals values of marriage, that there will be less singe parent homes because God will be the center of the marriage and not worldly issues like financial struggles.


  3. I remember a kid we grabbed who was breaking into cars at night. His mother was a prostitute and she threw him out when she brought tricks home. During the winter he’d break into cars to get out of our frigid Upstate NY weather. What the kids of some these woman go through is heartbreaking. You can see the kids getting so incredibly hard at an early age, as young as 4 or 5. And these attitudes generally translate into a life of crime and poverty and even more kids with deadbeat dads. A terribly vicious cycle that is augering our culture into the ground.


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