David Axelrod: Obama lied about gay marriage in 2008 in order to get elected

This is from Life Site News.


A former senior adviser to President Obama has confirmed what his most strident critics have said all along: Barack Obama lied to the American people about opposing gay “marriage” to boost his chances of winning the 2008 presidential elections.

David Axelrod, a veteran of Chicago left-wing politics who advised Obama during the campaign, makes the admission in a new book Believer: My Forty Years in Politics, which hits book shelves today.

Obama first indicated his support for redefining marriage while running for state office in Illinois in 1996, filling out a questionnaire that said, “I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages.”

Candidate Obama wanted to publicly broadcast his views during his campaigns for national office but was afraid the position – then radically unpopular – would end his chances of becoming president. Axelrod writes that campaign manager Jim Messina warned Obama that backing same-sex “marriage” could cost him the electoral votes of North Carolina.

Instead, both he and Hillary Clinton said they held to the traditional definition of marriage, although they supported “civil unions” for homosexuals.

During a 2008 debate, Obama told Saddleback Church megapastor Rick Warren, “I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union. God’s in the mix.”

But Axelrod reveals in his new book that, after proclaiming his support for marriage at one campaign event, Obama dismissed his rhetoric as nothing more than a bout of “bullsh—ing.”

Axelrod said that the candidate agreed to conceal his views, but “Obama never felt comfortable with his compromise and, no doubt, compromised position. He routinely stumbled over the question when it came up in debates or interviews.”

When others asked about Obama’s 1996 campaign statement, his supporters played it off as a campaign snafu. White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said in 2011, “That questionnaire was actually filled out by someone else.”

As a candidate, he walked a thin line, stating his support for traditional marriage – but opposing any efforts that would legally codify that belief and backing government policies that would grant greater acceptance (and benefits) to homosexuals. In 2008, he dismissed opposition to homosexuality as based on “an obscure passage in Romans.”

Obama did, in fact, carry North Carolina in 2008 on his way to the White House, where he chose to bide his time until he could come out in favor of gay “marriage.”

I can remember like yesterday talking to two black Christians in the parking lot outside my office after work about Obama, just before the 2008 elections. Both of them went to church, and both claimed to be evangelical Christians. One in particular loved the writing of Alistair Begg and read lots of Reformed theology. I asked them who they were voting for, and they said “we are voting for Obama”. I told them both about his votes on the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act in Illinois (he voted in favor of infanticide multiple times), his 1996 position in support of gay marriage, his support for cap and trade carbon taxes, his weak stance on national security, and more. I told them that if we ever hoped to repeal Roe v. Wade, that we could not elect this man President. I told him he would pick two pro-abortion Supreme Court judges, at least (and he already has picked two, and will get more in all likelihood). They told me I was wrong about everything and that Obama was pro-life, pro-marriage and really tough on Islamic terrorism.

I also spoke to a black Christian woman in my office. She loved to read books on Bible Study and theology so that she could teach in the church. She even knew some basic apologists, something that the two black guys did not know. She was a much more avid reader than the two guys, who seemed to be more focused on sports, movies and music. She also voted for Obama. I remember her saying she would vote for him, and I could not believe my ears. She was very strong on being pro-life and pro-marriage.

Should Christians have voted for Obama?
Should Christians have voted for Obama?

I was one of the 5 percent who did not vote for Obama in 2008, despite having dark skin just like my 3 co-workers who voted for him. Those conversations with those three people will stay with me till the day I die. I don’t think I have ever really understand how much people could suppress evidence in order to keep their beliefs before, until I spoke to those people. When I asked them if they were conservative Christians, they told me that they were. I went to a barbecue at one of their houses and saw bookshelves filled with Christian books. And yet they voted for a radical on abortion and a supporter of gay marriage, even when I told them about Obama’s voting record.

Skin color doesn’t matter to me when I am picking a candidate, but to some people it mattered more than facts.

11 thoughts on “David Axelrod: Obama lied about gay marriage in 2008 in order to get elected”

  1. Well yes to many obama being black was a big deal. Now as for politicians especially when running for president is it really that surprising that in order to win a politician would say anything or do anything that would get him the majority vote? America is a country with no official religion- yes christianity is the majority but not our countries official religion. So everything a president does or say will be criticize to the fullest extent. Why do you think its so important presidents have a family,a wife? Its to help his image ,everything is a pawn in politics. We live in a culture were sex sells and when clinton was caught with a woman who was not his wife people were outraged. So yeah we have feminist and sex culture but a majority of the people whether christian or not marriage and other things like that are very important when choosing a politician,if it wasn’t we would have a gay president by now.


  2. President Obama is a disgrace to Christianity if you want to call him a Christian. The bible warns us that we will know a tree by it’s fruit. Obama is an abomination. As a Black American who DID NOT vote for Obama I say shame on all Black people who called themselves Christians and voted for him because of race. Many in the church today are lukewarm and God says that He Wiill Spew Them Out Of His Mouth!


    1. I am blessed by God to periodically serve a community (more like a village) of extremely poor people in South Alabama, almost all black. These folks have nothing but a love of God, a Bible, and people who love them. They cannot stand the man. And, they don’t take welfare either. They do the best they can to get by and rely on a love freely given to them by others. Blessed are the poor indeed!


        1. Oh yes, Michelle Bachmann was the best! Can you imagine what our country would look like right now had she been president?!?

          Funny how Gloria Allred (as in all-communist-red) was so put out by Cain for texting another woman, yet was a big supporter of our serial adulterer president.


  3. Barak Obama had the support of black Americans because he got the support of black pastors. In those communities, congregants will believe what their pastors tell them, and call you a liar if you disagree.

    This is another reason that the Christian Right must work very hard to train future black pastors in seminaries like Liberty and Moody. This requires a very deliberate effort, and a lot of focus, time, effort, and energy.

    Like the problems with Wikipedia, the Christian Right has chosen to ignore that their own ineffectiveness is to blame and instead chooses to take the easy way out, blaming human sinfulness rather than their own poor performance.


  4. I just don’t understand voting for someone whom doesn’t share your values but shares your skin color. Then again, I am a white woman dating a Latino man whom is favoring Ben Carson for president, guess i just don’t care about race. If only Herman Cain had won…


  5. BTW, voting FOR a candidate because of skin color is no less racist than voting AGAINST a candidate because of skin color. (Note to rich white liberal elitists.)


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