Brian Godawa: what “The Imitation Game” tells us about homosexuality

I usually only go to see about one movie in the theaters per year, because I don’t share the same worldview as most people in Hollywood, and I share Plato’s concern about the power of drama to move me to accept their worldview through my emotions. Art is wonderful when it tells the truth, but most of what comes out of Hollywood doesn’t tell the truth.

This related blog post is from Brian Godawa’s blog. I thought it was very interesting.

He writes:

The story of Alan Turing, the brilliant yet troubled mathematician who led the cryptographic team that defeated the Nazi Enigma code in WWII and created the world’s first computer.

Wow, this Oscar season offers a slew of amazing performances. This one by Benedict Cumberbatch as Turing is a riveting and pathos filled drama that views like a gay version of the Oscar winning A Beautiful Mind.

This movie is a riveting, solid, well-told story. Brilliant in its machinations and exciting in its imagination. It explores the nuance of moral decisions in war, the complexity of social classes and issues, the alienation of mental illness, and the pain and irony of genius.

Who could have thought that there could be such exciting suspense, such heart-stirring pity, and such powerful moments of cheerful dramatic victories in a movie about a group of weird nerds penciling out mathematics and building a computer? But The Imitation Game is all that.

And it’s a brilliant artistic masterpiece for the homosexual agenda.

How so?

The Imitation Game is a similar timely metaphor. It tells the story of an oddball man who was rejected by the very society that he saved because of his genius. A tragedy of greatness. It is about breaking down our personal and social prejudices by showing that the very kind of people we often reject are the ones who do great things, such as, oh, save the world. History definitely bears out the repeated theme of the movie, “Sometimes, it’s the very people that no one imagines anything of that do the things no one can imagine.” Society too often rejects the misfits, who may offer the most to bring balance to the world. And who of us doesn’t at some time in our lives feel like such misfits and oddballs who feel out of place?

[…]Storytelling does not make logical arguments so much as emotional arguments. It incarnates logic or worldviews which touches us existentially as storied human beings. Story makes its most powerful connections emotionally through such rhetorical techniques as montage. The concept is that by placing two or more disparate images or storylines next to each other, viewers make emotional connections between those things, whether or not they are logically connected.

[…][The movie] shows us Alan’s alleged autistic Asperger’s type social awkwardness. Well, who among us would not feel sorry for such innocent suffering? The poor guy can’t help it, and he’s really quite sweet underneath that rudeness and lack of emotion and sensitivity. Heck, understanding people is like cracking a code for him. And of course, it is precisely that autism that blesses him with the mathematical brilliance to break the Enigma code of the Germans that ended the war early and saved millions of lives. But that is not all. That autism that we would see as “abnormal” resulted in figuring out the world’s first computer, one of mankind’s greatest achievements.

So, you can see the litany of injustices that are laid out, with which the viewers could not disagree.

[…]Americans are suckers for the underdog. If you want to engender sympathy for a character, make them suffer persecution, unfairness, injustice. In other words, make them a victim.

[…]The thematic cleverness of The Imitation Game lies in its montage connection of Turing’s homosexuality with his genius and with all these other civil rights issues with which we have all come to agree upon. The movie creates a touching tragic homosexual love story from Turing’s past to show his deep pain of loss. And then it lays it on heavy with a bookend story of Turing’s tragic arrest and conviction of his homosexual acts in a time and place in British history where it was illegal. Who wouldn’t feel sorry for the suffering of chemical castration that he had to endure as a legal penalty? Again, more victimization, more emotional sympathy.

It will never occur to many viewers that there is no rational justification for claiming sexual behavior as an innate civil right, that there is no logical or rational connection between Turing’s homosexuality and his genius, his saving the world, or other civil rights protections. There doesn’t have to be. An emotional connection was made through montage and analogy, and that is just as powerful on the viewer’s psyche. Emotionally, the viewer feels the connection of Turing’s homosexual identity with greatness and with saving the world. The irrational, yet emotional conclusion is that to be against homosexuality is to be against greatness and saving the world.

When I talk about movies, video games and other forms of entertainment with Christians, I am often told that I am analyzing too much and I need to enjoy art for art’s sake. But my mind works more like Godawa’s does. I am always disregarding the obvious stuff that is happening on the screen, and thinking about what the artist is trying to get me to believe. If it’s good stuff, like in the BBC production of “North and South”, then after a few minutes of watching and thinking, I lower my guard and enjoy. But if it’s bad stuff, then the guard stays up, and it’s no fun for me at all. I don’t play video games where there is a heavy-handed anti-conservative or anti-Christian message, either. Certainly I am not going to pay to be told by Hollywood leftists that my Christian / conservative views are wrong, when all they use to persuade me are emotional tricks.

Something to think about when you decide where to spend your money.

11 thoughts on “Brian Godawa: what “The Imitation Game” tells us about homosexuality”

  1. “The irrational, yet emotional conclusion is that to be against homosexuality is to be against greatness and saving the world.”

    This line left me baffled and disappointed. By no means do I thank sombody for saving our world for being heterosexual why on earth would I do it for somebody being homosexual? What garbage. If the man was great I should thank him for that regardless of what type of person he was. How diluted the message is when the author makes such a claim about one aspect of his life? I don’t disagree with homosexuality because I want to push laws or bring anybody down, I disagree because I view sexuality as something sacred. I don’t disagree with somebody being gay, I disagree with their philosophy about sexuality and morality.


  2. Unfortunately Hollwood has been persistent for many years in pushing the Homosexual Agenda. They have also pushed the promiscuous heterosexual lifestyle as well. As Christians we have to come out and be separate from this behavior. There are so many TV shows,movies,magazines and novels that I have had to decide whether they were pleasing to God or my flesh. I’ve chosen to please God. The Holy Spirit is so grieved with His children when we compromise. We must continually pray that we do not watch,read or entertain our minds with those things which try and defile our minds. Only a daily fellowship with the Holy Spirit will help us overcome the temptation to do so. I would also recommend doing some research before going to see,read or hear worldly entertainment these days.


  3. I understand that many dont like homosexuality but is chemically castrating a man really necessary? I haven’t seen the movie but jeez that just sounds harsh & I thought the movie was about code breakers in nazi germany.


    1. No one here condones that. The post is about how Hollywood changes mind through images that stir people’s emotions. I just want people to make decisions based on facts.


      1. I get that its just, i cant seem to understand as mankind why we do the most horrendous things to one another especially when hate that person based on race and religion.


        1. Geez. I think my views are right of course, but part of my views is loving my neighbor and loving my enemies. The stronger a Christian I am, to more people can expect me to treat them well. I won’t agree with them, but I certainly would treat them as a valuable person. My whole family is either atheist, Muslim, Hindu or Catholic. I am the only Protestant. They wouldn’t describe how I treat them as “hate”. I disagree with them on certain things. They still get lots of presents at Christmas.


          1. You’re family is very religiously diverse. Both sides of my family is christian and mom is muslim.


  4. My family hates when I spoil a movie by pointing out the not so hidden messages within television shows and movies. They want to zone out and just let the images wash over them, not realizing that their minds are being shaped and their world view changed by what they ares letting in through the windows to their soul.


  5. excellent post Wintery, this is why I keep coming back to your blog, you hit the nail on the head.


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